who compelled P Bala Subramaniam? Najib ? Anwar? ( English version scroll down )
安华鸡奸案 勾出了更多 蒙古女郎命案的内幕。
黄凌风 | 7月3日 中午12点54分更新
蒙古女郎阿旦杜亚命案又有惊人揭露!该案第三被告阿都拉萨(Abdul Razak Baginda)所聘用的私家侦探巴拉苏巴马廉(P Bala Subramaniam)指责警方压制证据。
巴拉苏巴马廉指出,虽然他在向警方录取口供书时,曾爆出纳吉与蒙古女郎死者阿旦杜亚(Altantuya Shaariibuu)拥有亲密的关系,但是警方却把这些惊人的内容删除,没纳入其供词里头,检控官也没有在法庭上盘问他此事。

阿都拉萨告诉他,纳吉曾与阿旦杜亚进行性交,而阿旦杜亚也愿意进行肛交(susceptible to anal intercourse)。
结果拉萨致电一名副警监慕沙沙菲里(DSP MusaSafri),后者回电说,慕沙沙菲里将会致电给他,要求后者将电话交给该名金马区警局警官。巴拉过后接到慕沙沙菲里的来电,然后把电话交给有关 警官。在3至4分钟的通话后,该警官叫那些女人离去,并且在隔天才去找他。巴拉相信慕沙沙菲里就是纳吉的随扈。
接着巴拉在武吉阿曼被盘问长达7天,并在2006年11月尾录取口供。他说,已把一切所知道的事情,包括拉萨与阿旦杜亚所告诉他,有关他们与纳吉的关系,统统告诉警方。但是,当他签署口供书时,这些资料却被删除了。 ( 祥文 )
阿旦杜亚命案第三被告阿都拉萨(Abdul Razak Baginda)所聘用的私家侦探巴拉苏巴马廉,昨日在人民公正党实权领袖安华的陪同下,揭露纳吉与阿旦杜亚拥有性关系。
from : chinese.cari.com.my >> 安华鸡奸案 勾出了更多 蒙古女郎命案的内幕 和 称遭人胁迫立下法定宣誓书巴拉24小时内突然全盘撤回
PI: Cops left out vital info
KUALA LUMPUR: Police omitted pertinent information allegedly linking Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak with the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case, claimed private investigator P. Balasubramaniam in a statutory declaration.
Balasubramaniam declared he had informed police what Abdul Razak Baginda had purportedly told him prior to Altantuya's murder.
He revealed yesterday the content of the statutory declaration at a press conference organised by PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim together with PKR office bearers, MPs and lawyers at the party's headquarters in Tropicana, just outside Kuala Lumpur.
He said Razak had told him that he was introduced to Altantuya by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at a diamond exhibition in Singapore and that Najib had told him that he (Najib) and Altantuya had had a sexual relationship and that “she was susceptible to anal intercourse”.
Balasubramaniam said Razak had also told him that Najib had asked him (Razak) “to look after” Altantuya, who was also known as “Aminah”, because he did not want her to harass him now that he was the Deputy Prime Minister.
He claimed Razak had told him that Altantuya had wanted money as she felt entitled to a US$500,000 (RM1.65mil) commission from a submarine deal that she had assisted the Malaysian Government secure in Paris; and that Najib, Razak and Altantuya all had dinner together in Paris. ( Read more )
PI retracts declaration
KUALA LUMPUR: Political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda's private investigator P. Balasubramaniam on Friday retracted his statutory declaration which he made less than 24 hours ago.
"I wish to retract the entire contents of my statuutory declaration dated July 1 2008. I was compelled to affirm the said statutory declaration under duress," said Balasubramaniam in his new statutory declaration dated Friday.
The new statutory declaration states:
"I wish to expressly state that at no material time did (Abdul) Razak (Abdullah) Baginda inform me that he was introduced to Altantuya Shaariibuu by a VIP and at no material time did Razak Baginda inform me that Datuk Seri Najib (Tun Razak) had a sexual relationship with Altantuya Shaariibuu and that she was susceptible to anal intercourse.
"At no material time did Razak Baginda inform me that Datuk Seri Najib instructed Razak Baginda to look after Altantuya Shaariibuu as he did not want her to harass him since he was the Deputy Prime Minister."
from thestar.com.my >> PI: Cops left out vital info and PI retracts declatration
Bryan's 意见/ Opinion:
宣誓书如同儿戏,到底是谁威胁谁? 相信各位心里有数...
who compelled who? we should knew it from the bottom of our heart. Impossible Anwar go and compelled Bala since he have nothing to compelled Bala , Money? Power? Who have more money and power to compelled Bala?! Straight to the point, Must be the "50th Years Goverments" who went Bala's house yesterday night!!!
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