Tag Tag Tag
Tagged by dayze.
The rules:-
Link to your taggers and post these rules. List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people.
1. I hate FYP.
2. I hate FYP.
3. I hate FYP.
4. I hate FYP.
5. I hate FYP.
6. I hate FYP.
7. I hate FYP.
8. I hate FYP.
2. I hate FYP.
3. I hate FYP.
4. I hate FYP.
5. I hate FYP.
6. I hate FYP.
7. I hate FYP.
8. I hate FYP.
I tag FYP people: -
Hugo Lim
Jessica Lim
Mickey Phoon
Keat Meng
Jessica Lim
Mickey Phoon
Keat Meng