
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

meLaccA hoMetowN

jus back my hometown melacca yday. bring so heavy beg back. melacca damn hot la.. sit on living hall play ps2 games also will weat. hot hothot..need to bath so manytime.. hotter than cyber... nothing to do here.. yday once back only then find my frenz to go out makan. at 1st, ask wan yin them.. but she decline invitation... so crue.. coz they wanna back their hometown d.. so i thinking can ask them go makan siham b4 they back mah... haih...but then nvm la.. next time lo.. if still got chance. then i ask my secondary school frenz lo... wanna go makan siham but dunno y so unlucky the stall din open. then we went for eat siham kueyteow for my dinner.. then we go taman merdeka yamcha till almost 12am. gonna back d.. coz they got school 2mrw.. then they need to go back study for stpm.. haih.. 1 month holiday at mlc sure very sien coz frenz all busy study their stpm. so i just can play ps2 n watch conan loh.. coz all my drama,movie n anime and my photo in my hdd all gone!!! =( ALL GONE my photo... haih... k la.. i using house pc now. the keyboard sot sot d. hard to type. n the connection here damn slow.. coz no streamyx.. update next time.. happy holiday~!!!

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