this Day-3 will be more special and funny~ Don't believe me?
you see you see...

Guess who coming?

Yes. Is MY FM Everest 特工队!

DJ giving out freebiesssss

DJ Jason and DJ Nicholas sharing talk

Don't look for me im not inside. LOL

Okay back to work. CK and Eastern giving out freebiess too! haha

Eastern, me, Yen and CK

GreenBox Kara-Kara Van

Night time they got perfomance at stage but i not sure what is that LOL
*coz not me taking these photo, i busying working at the booth there la. haha

Leng Lui and Leng Zai MC

Dancing dancing

黄威尔 autograph concert
Okay finish work already, before we leave UM here we go

Yeah, That's all for the 3 day working at PTUM.
Super tired coz we been working totally 3 days 10am to 10pm. *OMG freaking tired loh!
but good for us coz we get a holiday for one more day Hari Raya holiday. ^^
Anyway, is fun that working there and i enjoyed much while i working. *as u can see from the photo LOL
Working outside event is much better than sit inside office facing pc everyday. *so damn bored loh!
But too bad, heard that my company like wont be having any activity outside anymore wor. *sad rite?
Okay. That's all. No more Day4!
Coming up next Melaka Hari Raya Holiday Outing ??
hahaha!! so cute!!!!
eh.... u came to um for ptum? :)
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