I'm Back!
and spiderhoo.com is BACK too!
I've changed my previous domain "bryanhoo111.blogspot.com" to my new custom domain spiderhoo.com already.
So my blog been totally DOWN for 1 whole day yesterday, My Birthday! =.="
Sorry my friend, i know some of u guys wanted to send me message on my blog yesterday but cant find the page right? But nevermine, now the page is back!
and NO MORE bryanhoo111.blogspot.com anymore.
Once u type bryanhoo111.blogspot.com it automatically will redirect the page to www.spiderhoo.com here.
So, here we go the 2nd step of my domain spiderhoo.com is done.
for the coming 3rd step is to buy the hosting plan to recode all my blog again. Due date? I'm still not sure bout that. haha
Anyway, i did hav a great wonderful weekend for my 22nd birthday.
although i do hope i can be Forever 21. LOL
but what to do, time still go life still go on.
Thanks gf for the Armani Code perfume and the Pick n' Brew dinner.
Thanks all my friends who celebrated for me , sms me, frienster me,and facebook me.
Thanks all the wishes u guys gave me.
will post some photo bout my birthday sooon once i get the photo. =)
happy belated birthday to u! ^^
yi jun
thanks yijun =)
happy birthday a~~ :)
thank karen =)
happy belated birthday to you :)
So, finally you manage to change the domain eh :)
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