Just finish 1 set of comic.
Lying on bed , thinking of what to do.
Tonight got FA Cup football match. But no Kakis to go watch with.
So now end with blogging at home. with the Coventry Vs Chelsea live streaming. ( I ain't chelsea fans, just wanted to see chelsea lose.)
Yesterday went to cinema watch "Watchmen". The movie not bad. at least better than the previous " The Spirit ". I will be really love the movie if i did read their comic before that.
those Watchmen inside, i prefer the Rorschach. I mean i like Rorschach more compare with others. why? watch Watchmen then you will know. ^^
i like their smiley icon logo. =)
hehe~~~ dad & mums & sis jus watch this movie oso~~ yesterday, sat nite~~
Saw series is damn awesome man!!
Oni Saw 1,2,3 tho. 4 and 5 abit sien liao.
Haha.. Rorschach is my hero too...
But damn yong sui when he take off his mask =____= lol
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