our frenship begin when i was Form3.he tuition me BM that time. he stay just bside bside bside bside bside my house only. jiing shiang is a very nice nice guy. smart, handsome, mature, loyal, romance,tall,good in talking,kind,polite,obedience,friendly,health and many many many good behavior.Everytime i got any study prob then i sure will find him. that time he just F6 only.we always go out 2gther. sometime i invite him go jogging with me. sometime he invite me go market with him. we used too play badminton b4,pluck mango 2gther, traveling 2gther and many more. i learn alots from him really. example like think b4 do something, b more mature,respect in any relationship, control my temper,learn how to drive motor n car, learn how to buy vegetable, learn how to wrap flower, learn how to write luv letter and alots alots more. we used to always chat n share our prob. study prob, luv prob, parent prob, finance prob n others.. especially luv prob. last time he know all bout my luv story. when i sad he always will b bside me,consult me, and support me. i very appreaciate got him as my fren. But now, he wont always b with me d.coz he now at Australia now.he had study there 2 year d.jus gradute last year n continue working there. Long time din see him alr. n we alomost lost contact d. he sometime will call me. but cannot chat long also coz phone bil expensive. sometime really want to share my prob to him but i cant. i cant call him. he had alr lost my news bout 1 year d. really hope tat i can always update my news to him n listen how he was doin there. Got 1 time, think to hav a frenz to replace he to b my frenz but at last, i found out tat tat is not east to replace him. coz i cant trust no1 more than him now. He is the 1 i 100% trust. very hard for me too fully trust ppl now. very disapointed with the frenz now sumore. sometime they can bcoz of something small prob then end the frenship. that is very hurt. not appreaciate frenz at all. this kind of ppl i wont let him b my frenz. wan to hav this kind of frenz i rether live alone.
Hope my frenz jiing shiang can come back malaysia soon. very miss him now. really hope tat i can telling u my prob now and ask for your comment. hope u r verything fine at aus there.. Bless u my frenz+ bro...

my frenz jiing shiang. he's vegetarian.
have such a nice frenz...realy is the luckiest thg...muz appreciate it...n try 2 rebuilt yor trusty on frenz k...all da best 2 u...
thanks.thanks for reading my blog too. i will appreciate this frenship. =)
no need 2 be sad la bryan..nowadays our technology is good..if u want to share ur prob wif him just send email or try to chatting wif him in ym..no need to use money n it will save ur money..-kb-
no need 2 be sad la bryan..nowadays our technology is good..if u want to share ur prob wif him just send email or try to chatting wif him in ym..no need to use money n it will save ur money..-kb-
kb?? haha.. tak sangka u read my blog pula?? haha... thanks u advise n suggestion. but recently seldom chat with him d. he bz working to earn money now. but i know he will be fine there. =)
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